don't vote

I'll not attempt to bore you with too many wordings. So before you start thinking #jeyKAD has gone crazy, here (in no particular order) are reasons to not vote. Feel free to criticize constructively. Don't Vote that candidate whose manifesto is riddled with blames, pointing out the flaws of the other candidate(s). Don't vote that candidate who sees nothing good with previous and current regimes. Don't vote that candidate who thinks he/she (alone) is or has all it takes to make Nigeria work. Don't vote that candidate whose only campaign strategy is to expose the loopholes in other candidates' manifesto. Don't vote that candidate who does not know what it feels like not to be able to pay tuition fees, buy kero, petrol and other basic needs. That candidate who does not know what it feeIs like to be hungry and driven out of one's home by flood, insurgency and other forms of disaster. Don't vote that candidate who does not know how it f...