I've seen death
I've known death
I've been there
It's still there.

It is never reluctant
It has been and will always be a constant
It is explicit and that it will come is no doubt
To say that life is a lie without death is unequivocal fact

Life brings, death takes
Like night and daybreak
Through Dawn dusk comes and it's a circle yet again
As we cry, we pray but death knows no pain.

A guest we must entertain
You can't say no, you can't ask, 'again?'
It doesn't come because it never left
It is a domestic thief waiting to act the theft

Death is nothing but what we call it
We can turn the tables how we see fit
For if we aren't dying we can never be dead
We can always be ready to accept, go through death without worries nor fears
Knowing that it'll only take us to a place better than here
To eternal life in wealth and wellness.

__Jeremiah Kadiri


Akpata said…
Hmmm! Indeed, Death is a thief. A thief we can only accuse but cannot apprehend. A thief that will later steal us after it has stolen from us. In d end, only our fear of nd obedience to God Almighty wl gv us d eternal life of wealth and wellness.
RumblingRainbow said…
its blinks with no sight of it
its harmonize yet its destroys
well,as they say…may they rest in peace
but do they?

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