don't vote

I'll not attempt to bore you with too many wordings. So before you start thinking #jeyKAD has gone crazy, here (in no particular order) are reasons to not vote.

Feel free to criticize constructively.

Don't Vote that candidate whose manifesto is riddled with blames, pointing out the flaws of the other candidate(s).

Don't vote that candidate who sees nothing good with previous and current regimes.

Don't vote that candidate who thinks he/she (alone) is or has all it takes to make Nigeria work.

Don't vote that candidate whose only campaign strategy is to expose the loopholes in other candidates' manifesto.

Don't vote that candidate who does not know what it feels like not to be able to pay tuition fees, buy kero, petrol and other basic needs. That candidate who does not know what it feeIs like to be hungry and driven out of one's home by flood, insurgency and other forms of disaster.

Don't vote that candidate who does not know how it feels like to stand in queues and the inevitable frustration that goes with waiting long hours to buy petrol at exorbitant prices.

Don't vote that candidate who roams around with people who you've presumed obvious failures in the past.

Don't vote that candidate who has no tangible solution to the current security menace that is even ravaging the army in hands we should feel protected.

Don't vote for that returning candidate who has been a recalcitrant to the policies of a previous regime because of personal interest.

Don't vote in that candidate who does not see anything wrong with the humongous take homes for the members of NAS, Governors, and so on at the detriment of the over 75% poor masses in the country.

Don't vote in that candidate who has been there or was there but didn't improve on the infrastructural needs of the people while in office.

Don't vote for that candidate who proudly flaunts his/her fleet of cars and toys but has no cogent constituency project to showcase to Nigerians.

Don't vote for that candidate who only makes airwaves for the negative reasons.

Don't vote for that candidate who says 'buy Nigeria' but 'buys Overseas'

Don't vote for that candidate who comes to intimidate others with grandiloquent oyinbo without having anything to show for it.

Don't vote for that candidate who thinks he/she is doing Nigerians a favour.

I know them, you know them, We know them.
They are everywhere.
They have started sharing the money in all currencies and denominations even as I write this.

You need the money. Yes you really are in need of that money because your life seem to depend on it at the moment.

But then, what is the Nigeria of your dreams? Will collecting the money give you and your unborn kids that Nigeria? What's your projection for this country in the next eight to sixteen years? Will the next generation be happy looking back at what history has to say about you?

Don't vote for known unproductive candidates.
Don't vote them in again.
Don't vote candidates who think they can tell us what we need/want.

Nigeria is for Nigerians and so let's set the agenda, vote the candidates we can actualize the Nigeria of our dreams through and help the nation achieve its rightful place as the giant of Africa and the ideal place to be.

__Jeremiah Enaholo A. Kadiri


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