Is Half Bread Better than None?

Call me insatiable, I'll agree. But you too must agree it's a sentiment we all share_ as humans.
NLC and her sister organizations have done well abi? I don't think so!
To me, I smell the 'Oshio' game on display. What is Oshio game? It is an effective method of gaining political relevance in the guise that you are fighting for the people's course.
Yes! Na me talk am.

The leadership of NLC must prove me wrong. How?
Let's put in perspective who a worker is_ one who does a job and is entitled to his/her wage on a certain agreed date/time.
By this, everyone who earns salary/allowances at the end of the month (in Nigeria) falls under the umbrella of the term in view.
Oga Ayuba should now push further and make moves to help facilitate a motion for a wholistic review of the wage system of our country.

As an ordinary Nigerian, there are some questions I'd like to put forward:
1. Who determines what Presidents, Governors, Senators, Reps, Governors, LG chairmen, councilors take home at the end of t month as their wages?
2. Why is the said amount allocated to these individuals appropriate?
3. What are the determinants for these allocations?
4. How and when are they paid
   *do they ever experience delays in payments. *what currency *denominations and co is involved...?
Then let me bring it down to the civil servants. Who determines what they get and why, as well as the issue of sufficiency and satisfaction derived from same wage system?

When answers have been proffered to the questions posed, Nigerians must as a matter of urgency ensure that these payments are adjusted/trimmed. Yes We Can!


Lock down the country indefinitely! No work, no movement, no nothing!

But again, Nigerians are a peace loving people. They are law abiding and will not heat up the polity beyond what is on ground just so we can all forge on.

I say that's a lie! We fear paying the ultimate price. We cannot afford to discomfort ourselves for any just cause whatsoever even if the struggle's goal is to right all wrongs. We see the danger that waylay such tasks_ the hunger, loss of properties and even lives and then take a U-turn to status quo.

Truth is, #45,000,000 is too much as a monthly take home for just one person in a country where over eighty million (80,000,000) citizens live in abject penury!

Given the current inflation hike in the country and the System's proclivity for heightening same, given the slightest opportunity, do you think #30,000 is that half bread that is better than none!

_Jeremiah Kadiri


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