We've all got tales to tell.
You know, it's a gift to be able to tell tales because #DeadMenTellNoTales.
However, these tales are in the past and not to be resided in but referenced.

Someone once said, 'you'll never amount to no good' (but then, God is the Best and He is my Creator). Another told me, 'you can't even rhyme well and you want to do music?' (I did a couple of songs and when I stopped, same person begged to sponsor my music if I agreed to do more). Then again I started working out and another told me to stop wasting time,  'guy you go just grow veins full body. You never eat well you wan dey carry iron abi?' (now he, his cronies and a lot of other people want tips about healthy exercising from me). 'you can't even construct good English and you want to study journalism?' I once was told. (now I have a degree in mass communication and a blog same person reads from today).
Have you ever been told, "I'm disappointed in you now and in the future?" yeah! I've been told so.

My dear, people will hurl their shit at you because that's what they've got. Garbage in, garbage out. Even when you're making remarkable progress they'll say 'you'll never get what you are looking for" (because that's how they feel about themselves.)

In time they'll make you feel small and imperceptible by shoving you under their shit but then the tallest iroko was once beneath a pile of shit unnoticed!

Remember the world was nothing until something happened?

I know from the foregoing that we at some point in life feel empty, our reality begin to seem like nothing and then our existence doesn't just make sense. This is the best of times to grow.

Nothing grows on fine sands (a quintessence is the dunes or beaches). Fertile lands don't look appealing to the sense of sight. They are rough, rugged and tough. Like a seed you must utilize and maximize the opportunity of fertility provided you by these unpalatable times, germinate from beneath the pile of shit, blossom to the dismay of those who thought down below would suffocate you, who thought the rains would ruin you, who thought the sun will never shine on you, who thought even if you germinate you'll never flourish.

God made the universe from nothing. If this is true then you can make so much from a pile of shit!


__Jeremiah Kadiri ACICRM


Unknown said…
'Your pile of shit is your best shot' This is a natural phenomenon devoid of any serious academic exercise. Snails for instance are never found in flamboyant environments, in the northern part of country and the Sahara, rainfall which highly treasured and most sort, never come without a stormy and blinding sandstorms. In the south it largely proceed a dark cloud and stormy breeze.
To succeed in life we must have to pass through lots of storms and difficulties . This may come in varied forms. In whatever form it comes, it is the necessary price you pay to be there' Chief Obafemi Awolowo wouldn't have been remembered today if he hadn't pay the price of been hidden in a ship to Europe where he had
a western education. MKO Abiola was a firework seller to argument her mother's efforts at raising him and siblings.
Anonymous said…

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