
Showing posts from 2016


Friendship a concept more misconstrued than understood is that which has triggered the action that has brought about this piece. It is that which we claim we are familiar with yet there’s much more to it than meet the eyes. It forms the bulk of diction dished out daily on our usage of vocabulary for every man, woman, boy, girl, aged, young makes use of it as if it is a basic necessity needed for consumption and survival. O yeah! it is indeed needed but it is however not a consumable. It is not a commodity; it has no price tag. It is as good as air. Free of charge yet priceless. Shall we call it a gift? But then are gifts freely given? Well, most times, expectations riddle the minds and hearts of those who give gifts. Friendship, I read somewhere is like the wind. It may not be seen but it is felt all around us. Its presence can be felt intimately like sunrays bathing our rooms through doors and windows. This feeling can also be manifested in the rustling sound that forms the music we ...


With the speed of snails, we seem to sail into the future yet, speedily today comes and becomes yesterday’s future. Time’s wings flap and carry us all through the thick and thins for what prize? For the prize of that which we’d kill to keep if we have to or die to keep if need be_ our bodies. So fast it seems when we look into our past and how events we’ve anticipated come and have all gone. The word ‘wow! How time flies’ automatically springs out of the vocal cords of our mind’s mouth_ surprised at how with the speed of sun rays and the light it emanates, we crash into the present. It is indeed as swift as one quick swing of a sword in the hands of a great swords’ man. Yet time is too slow when in the present, we crawl into the future’s green, yellow and brown. It is not hard to discern on the evidences of time and life’s journeys as these are manifest on our skin, bones, eyesight, the color of our hair, the way we begin to stutter and sound incoherent, the rate of decline in our l...


Once when I was still a pop freak as most youths of my generation were, I was an astute follower and freak of lyrics pouring forth the vocal cords of pop artistes. A rapper of repute known as Curtis Jackson_ 50cent once posited through one of his songs that “death gotta be easy coz life is hard.” This amidst other lyrics got to me so well that I began to see images of dead people rolling on and off so easy like a slide in contrast to how they struggled to live. Words borne out of the speaker’s experience_ an experience that no single person has a monopoly of. Words portraying the fact that life is a struggle. More so, is the fact that for most people, seeing the next moment is a luxury whilst the luxury of some others is not in the witnessing and participation in tomorrow’s events. Their luxury is basking in the acquisition of more wealth whilst in wealth and affluence. The struggle, hustle, toil, sweats and all that which man goes through for what? To what end? To stay alive? Well, ...

MIND THE JOURNEY_ before the destination.

He drove speedily along the reddish brown road probably to attend to one of life’s numerous exigencies. Bathed in a mixture of afternoon winds and sun rays as his motorcycle zoomed effortlessly on the loamy soil. The look on hyis bearded face all riddled with worrying urgency as if the world will end if he fails to reach his destination the next second. Time seemed not to be on his side. As he sped on minding his journey with eyes only for his destination, a toddler bumped into his motorcycle’s fore wheel and lo! with as much instinctive expertize he could muster, the Fulani man managed to get the Igbo boy knocked off while the machine slid on the floor. He ran to the child who was at this time lying lifeless on his father’s land. He exclaimed a painful exclamation. The fear of this had been worn on his face as he may have been thinking, ‘what will happen to me if this child passes on as a result of this accident?’ He was shaken for he is in a land whose people’s hatred for the North...


He had rules and knew his way    careful coz he had fears He always knew how to ply life's waves    guards his heart when love nears Strong and tall he felt bold    greedy_ he took and never shares His smile was warm but felt cold    needing those nightstand like cheers But then she came and gave what he wanted    for his heart to smile and cheeks glee His bed was hers to share for as long as he wanted    the pleasure was right_ even I agree Somehow he forgot fears that had stayed his mind    it must have been love but she called it lust Couldn't see with his eyes coz his heart had gone blind    too late his precious pebble fell on sands_ lost _Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


  Sometimes we just lay and as much as we try to find favor in sleep’s sight, she not only eludes us but cause us to roll from one side of the bed to the other. Don’t know what part turns her on most before she finally gives in but for me, I just try to drift into sweet thoughts of days before. Tonight is no exception but however, she (I mean sleep) tends not to be horny no matter how pleasing my techniques seem to have improved. Whilst I dance to the music from my cover clothe and the not so appealing songs of crickets and nocturnal birds from outside my window here in Ezeagu, for no just course I begin to wonder why the hell she has decided to remain dry. As if the fact that sleep_ the wife with whom I must sleep every night has decided to estrange me is not enough, the incessant sounds gushing forth crickets like vomiting clouds on a rainy day suddenly becomes a cause of concern. Putting my ears to unrest as I restlessly try to fathom why in the pit of hell’s horned beast I ca...

FORGIVE: take me for me

You in church and yet you've got grudge I won't be the judge But if you in church and yet you've got grudge I want to know 'what for?' Keeping your enemies at arm's length Whilst you starve at lent And the prayers you think to God you sent To devil am sure the went Are you the devil_ why are you devilish? I know you can't be God_ be Godly Always forgive but never be fiendish Pray for your enemies_ be friendly Let it go_ take me for me I may be a cynic or mean Open your heart not just your eyes to see Am a ladder to climb_ a shoulder to lean __Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


Man oh man! How best can I describe? Forgive me for am an embodiment of that which I dare describe. A being that I am and to which I've been affiliated and still is should enjoy a description worthy of nothing less than bias. However, I beg to differ and to dismay the feeling of prejudice anyone may hold towards my judgment of man thus, I've decided to discuss man as he unleashes both his abilities and their flip sides like am some sort of time's camera; a screen through which we shall be getting to see ourselves or our kind. Man is an embodiment of all things beautiful as this is manifest in the feeling you get when you are privileged to visit places like Paris; imagine that beauty and serenity juxtaposed and controlled by man. In fact it was correct to say "see Paris and die." Yeah! What else could have been more beautiful than the ornamental extravaganza with which man beautified his terrain? Well, some may say the scriptural description of Heaven stands the ...


Does man need to eat much, have lots of clothing for fashion sake or need for much education? These questions are not just questions for questionnaire sake. They are borne out of a consistency there is and has been for man to satisfy his immediate wants more so, his needs in the near and far future. I stand to accept any caution or correction if there's any but has there been any man who lived forever thanks to nutrition gotten from eating so much or is there any being (and I mean man) that has won a global fashionista prize of all time for simply being one who can pride his/herself with the enviable title of having all the clothing brands there are. Can anyone say that there's been one (and I mean man) who is endowed with the know how of everything and this immeasurable knowledge has brought to witness today's dawn? I dare not answer my own questions for I'd be greeting my thoughts with prejudice by proffering only suitable answers that befit what my picture of man i...

Dear Lord_ AMEN

Dear Lord I humbly beseech Thee Cleanse my heart from envy and awaken my conscience Teach me to mind my speech And open my heart to the sight of hell's torment Firm my feet despite my weakness And cause me to believe though I may break Remind me often that I'll be well after this sickness For in you I lay and unto you I awake Teach me the importance of patience That I may endure these current pains Accept my confessions as I repent For only your forgiveness removes our stains __Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


It seemingly seem logical that when there's too much water in the system of a living organism, it tends to emit fluids often (sometimes to maintain a balance). Pardon, this is not me trying to bring you one of those biological teachings whose reputation for boredom never cease to awe those of us who have chosen to toe the path of pure arts. It is often said that water is the source of life and this assertion, I bet, has always made air jealous; how can water be the sustenance of life when without air man, animals, plants to mention but a few out of God's wonderfully knitted web of creation, cannot do without air? Without air, in my experience of life's dynamics, nothing that is would be. Am not trying to argue the well known reality that water holds life but, hey! Without air you won't be holding whatever medium you are currently reading my thoughts from and contemplating whether or not am sane. Yeah! "Why is jeyKAD confusing himself?" Forgive me, for I pitch ...


"How dare you vilify love?" I presume you'd ask from much disdain for my claims or out of skepticism. The answer lies with one whose heart has been endeared to, I'd say, the punches and punctures of the malignant maligning cold fists of this not-so-easy-to relegate concept. From what temerity do I claim the aforementioned? Some would say, "is he the only one to have felt the flip side?" When in fact they say such in grandeur only to cover up the smoldering bite marks on their hearts from love's canine. Man brags, man is powerful, man lays claim to things his mind can grasp and beyond yet there's no man who can stand when love is imminent like a dawning doom_ it cripples the fastest sprinter like scissors do fabrics and mold us like tailors do clothes. Man does not choose how this goes or the frequency with which it happens. He is swept off his feet like a groom does his bride on one of their happiest days. Though these days don't come often, ...


Love makes of man a worm that lurks in the shadows. Soon to be trampled, crushed or smitten. It is unsafe and walled by insecurity_ uncertain and grilled by fear. It is prey and left to the mercy or otherwise of a predator called time. Dim and deemed weak. It cannot fight nor even defend its existence. Those in whose hearts love thrive, live like hosts to recalcitrant viruses. Becoming retarded versions of a once unequivocal species who hitherto bathed in freedom_ now chained down by illusions of a blind mind which sees but nothing. Frail, feeble, fragile it is, yet it crawls and sometimes finds itself in rocky hearts almost with the speed of telepathy. Bringing kings, heroes and sometimes villains face down on muddy soils like steel chains holding still a log of wood to a moving truck. So it leads us like blindfolded grown ups being led by the fog while trusting and thrusting the self unto and into depths of a fatally irrevocable self inflicted accident. If anything, it does n...


Let's grope in bitter righteousness Or follow sweet lies Shall we be pleased with tomorrow's lifelessness Whilst in today we die Like praying mantis we pray Raising hands without a sweat Haleyluyah_ amen we say Whilst with the serpent we do the duet Our tongues sow seeds of deceit Confused by self delusion Then our hearts become diseased All thanks to ill self infliction Men are no longer what they say Not afraid of the Spirit nor their spirituality Trust man and be swayed astray He'll tell you do this but does the opposite __Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


We could and can still do it together For we are bigger than our problems Soar heights than birds without quill feathers And if we die we become legends Though for now times go harder Poor couples can't afford a break-up Times like these are tonics to become wiser And like a toad's leap we must take off Yes! Times Have gone bad from good to worse Few on top have through our consent lay claims to our wealth And what have we done? Done? Rather we've undone ourselves Mum we've stayed for long Decay have the results been Though I alone can sing the song Together we create the music The lyrics we must dictate Towards our collective well being But if we choose to wear silence fabrics all day History will see us as cowardice's debris ___Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


O yes! Who dares to dispute? Is it not true that with penury insecurity thrives? The poor may smile and say "fine" but untrue Yet he suffers in life's journey and die Oh! How he treasures rags, slums and shanties Exposed to the vexing pangs of hunger With hapless thoughts though he prays like mantis The frustration of having nothing breeds his anger Most times he breaks brotherhood And dent his soul with vices of decay Truth becomes alien_ no longer understood For his eyes are set on greener pasture far away It's a fight though unplanned for Most are born into this battlefield With little_ sometimes nothing to depend on Save the grip of poverty's cold feet He becomes susceptible to antics that fuel lungs Play pranks or draw blood to keep his heart beating Because survival cum comfort his heart seeks to belong He strives to eat or die seeking


Oh Death, take me into your embrace Caress my soul in your enclave And take life's light off my sight Deep into the dark where it all began Eyes closed, prayers said I laid still awaiting the imminent end But "kukuruku" pierced like a new sword to awaken my earlobes Lo! am gripped by the dawning cold Hiss precedes sighs for its dawn when babies cry Cowardice beclouds you oh Death! For ye has no power of thine Yet takes no orders from man It's another race today And from all walks of life, races and gender We race from dust to dust Meeting nothing but nothingness as our home Whilst we are dead awaiting Death conforms not to none but Predestination As a slave to his Master Toil but rest for nothing really lives like foot marks on river banks __Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


These thieves that steal away my smile So generous they gift me with haplesness They come not when they like They come through my thumb's mindlessness Not even the subtle touch of a lass Can relieve me from this sad euphoria Nor will the sweetness of wine refuse to drown Me_ oh when now my body is weak and heart is sombre Nothing seem fine but I nod in affirmative Faking smiles to show a dimple Being stingy with sad information For saying 'it's well' is rather simple In dire my heart desires that which is in the future's womb In patience I keep wishing that my dreams put to birth How soon? I can't tell but hopes it's soon Soon enough to grace my hands while I still draw breath Numerous wants, no resource to put plans to action My home is killing_killing me like I've been placed on death roll No plans for me like am a stranger_ how can I live my passion Am so like nothing without a home and without a role T...


Your smile and that look could turn a bad switch on Beautiful beyond measure your beauty outshined all And though ants sting and vipers bite You occupy a soft spot deep down my rocky heart I thought I couldn't live without you Live without you?_ how could I breath? But then distance came and I saw me here without you Who loved me more_ you or my lungs and nostrils? Memories' hands upon my mind's eyes to see That in this loud silence of the night all hope to love is lost Like carcasses do when scavengers feast Nothing really lives like feet marks on river banks, mirage and lust Truly nothing lasts forever like beauty Maybe that's why we die cuz life is beautiful From a baby's dimpled cheeks to tears of the aged All once begotten and beloved passes on on life's stage Though the sun shines and butterflies fly It turns to hide the light while bats fly Putting to rest our works from the morning While what once shone with l...


From all ramifications, parents are supposedly saddled with the responsibility of caring, protecting, training, loving their children. Parents often see kids as God’s blessings in their lives. A manifestation of the fruition of their fertility; God’s providence. No wonder people who don’t have kids tend to live a hapless life. There is this emptiness that thrives within their hearts and this is juxtaposed with an endless hope that one day they too will hear the cry/laughter of babies in their homes. For this reason we call children “Bundles of Joy.” > The child is born into an unfamiliar world, draws its first breath and lets off a sound to announce its arrival to the world. First few years for most children will remain most enjoyed moments as parents and relatives will continue to pour their love and fondness for the new member of the family. Sadly, very few of us remember these moments and if we do, we can only remember fragments of same. > The c...