Friendship a concept more misconstrued than understood is that which has triggered the action that has brought about this piece. It is that which we claim we are familiar with yet there’s much more to it than meet the eyes. It forms the bulk of diction dished out daily on our usage of vocabulary for every man, woman, boy, girl, aged, young makes use of it as if it is a basic necessity needed for consumption and survival. O yeah! it is indeed needed but it is however not a consumable. It is not a commodity; it has no price tag. It is as good as air. Free of charge yet priceless. Shall we call it a gift? But then are gifts freely given? Well, most times, expectations riddle the minds and hearts of those who give gifts. Friendship, I read somewhere is like the wind. It may not be seen but it is felt all around us. Its presence can be felt intimately like sunrays bathing our rooms through doors and windows. This feeling can also be manifested in the rustling sound that forms the music we ...