Friendship a concept more misconstrued than understood is that which has triggered the action that has brought about this piece. It is that which we claim we are familiar with yet there’s much more to it than meet the eyes. It forms the bulk of diction dished out daily on our usage of vocabulary for every man, woman, boy, girl, aged, young makes use of it as if it is a basic necessity needed for consumption and survival. O yeah! it is indeed needed but it is however not a consumable. It is not a commodity; it has no price tag. It is as good as air. Free of charge yet priceless. Shall we call it a gift? But then are gifts freely given? Well, most times, expectations riddle the minds and hearts of those who give gifts.
Friendship, I read somewhere is like the wind. It may not be seen but it is felt all around us. Its presence can be felt intimately like sunrays bathing our rooms through doors and windows. This feeling can also be manifested in the rustling sound that forms the music we sometimes listen to when dry leaves dance on the forest’s bed. Yet it is also there in the quiet of nights. In the depth of our lungs and bowels it is. An impossible concept to estrange. It lives and lives even when we die.
The aforementioned, I’ve grown not to argue with. It explains the fact that yet another assertion that no one is an island is indeed unequivocal. No one plantain tree stands alone. A school of fish swim together, a swarm of bees form a beehive, sands are a collection of pebbles living through the thick and thins of weathering. This is where what bemuses me about its usage stems. Many a time you hear people saying, “o! how lovely madam-A has been to me… she’s to me a friend indeed.” Are they wrong to call people whose hearts and minds through hands and mouths have provided them help? No! it will be ungrateful to not refer to helpers as friends. If you cannot return the gesture, why not reciprocate by giving such persons the ‘title’ of friendship? Title? Why call it title? I presume you’d ask. Forgive me for being too assertive but true friendship is not from the outside. I for one despite the above quotes reinforcing togetherness, believe true friendship to be an inseparable thing. The duo or trio involved in this assembly never parts. just like the reassuring features of the wind, friendship is an innate material that never ceases to exist. It doesn’t possess the flaw of death. Friendship is better and larger than life.
Friendship is that which has no home yet inhabits all. In the heat of fire, cold of ice, beneath the earth, in sunny days and nighty nights she always is. Even our telecommunication giant_ MTN has not and may never grow to assume the nature of wind which is found everywhere you go.
Friendship is that which lives and precedes us even when we are no more. It is not what we expect from people. It is not what we get or are given. Friendship is what we feel. It lives in you and is indeed you. No one can befriend you like you do yourself. People or perceived real friends all from the exterior may not be there through the thick and thins of life. A reality that shows how alone every man is even in the crowd. Truth is, once you befriend yourself, you stand not alone but with and for yourself.
Misconstrue me not. Treating yourself so well transcends into treating others on the outside well and that’s friendship.
Be your friend!
__Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


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