From all ramifications, parents are supposedly saddled with
the responsibility of caring, protecting, training, loving their
children. Parents often see kids as God’s blessings in their
lives. A manifestation of the fruition of their fertility; God’s
providence. No wonder people who don’t have kids tend to
live a hapless life. There is this emptiness that thrives within
their hearts and this is juxtaposed with an endless hope that
one day they too will hear the cry/laughter of babies in their
homes. For this reason we call children “Bundles of Joy.”
> The child is born into an unfamiliar world, draws its first
breath and lets off a sound to announce its arrival to the
world. First few years for most children will remain most
enjoyed moments as parents and relatives will continue to
pour their love and fondness for the new member of the
family. Sadly, very few of us remember these moments and
if we do, we can only remember fragments of same.
> The child begins to get familiar with the world around him/
her but for some unexplained reasons the fondness and
love showered on him/her begins to wind down like the
effortless fall of dried leaves from the trees when the dry
winds of hamatan comes calling. Attention accrued the child
is taken away and this leaves him/her to the vulnerability of
a precarious world. To fit into this new world, the child
sheds off its innocence because by this time, no one
survives herein a world where innocence is recalcitrant to
survivor. That innocence that once endeared the child to all
and sundry is now torn off most times completely for the
sole aim of survival.
> In this part of the world, it is common place to see a young
boy/girl of about twelve, fifteen, and eighteen living a ‘my
life, my rules’ kind of life. These kids most times don’t live
with their parents nor with any of their relatives and this
does not bother the parents who pulled them from
wherever they were down to this sinful world. There are
instances where the children are forced to leave their homes
as a result of pressure from parents. I have heard a mother
say, “Fati are you not ashamed of yourself? Look at your
mates. Your mates are now making money and senvding
same to their parents and you are here eating my food
everyday. This house can not contain you and I again o!” The
said Fatimah is between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. A
period in life when a child is supposed to be groomed and
held under the auspices of their parents to prevent such kid
from falling prey to the predators of time. Question is, if the
said woman had started making money when she was
sixteen years old, will she be requesting money from a
sixteen year old child now that she is a mother? We can all
agree on the fact that she may have made so much money
not to need money from a little child who has no source of
> The act of expectation from kids not minding the fact that
meaningful contribution has not been done to the moral up
bringing of same kids is to me the greatest of all evil. Even in
commerce you can not make profit from a business you did
not invest in. otherwise you become a common thief. Many
a time we come across youths with equivocally terrible
moral standards and begin to wonder where these
emanated from. The rate at which obscene immorality is
being perpetuated by some youths is nothing to write home
about as we begin to wonder from which pit of hell such
abominable menaces crawled out. A rhetoric that is not far
> Yes, some of us have the tendencies of derailing no matter
how strict/disciplined our backgrounds may be. Fact is that
‘Child Neglect’ is not a feature of the poor as the rich are
found wanting in this regard too. It is common place to see/
hear parents disown their child in this part of the world
simply because of religious and sometimes political
differences or conflicts of interests. Neglecting any child for
any reason is to me an escape from accepting responsibility
as a parent. The harm caused by a child for choosing a
religion, supporting an ideology, interest or political party
outside the parent’s empathy is much more imperceptible
when compared to the array of problems that could arise
from neglecting same child; theft, armed robbery, thuggery,
vandalism, arson as well as other acts of insurgency/
terrorism and social vices that could decay our moral
standards of living in our micro and macro societies are
given birth to by this single act. It places our young beautiful
women in precarious situations where they resort to
prostitution, abortion, some are raped, impregnated and
they too follow suit by abandoning the kids they never
prepared for.
> Can we now say that there is any justification for Child
Neglect? Lets not be too quick in blaming the youths for
being what they are today as they are the seeds of long
standing trees who have failed in some regards. A seed does
not fall too far from the tree. The fact remains that we are all
products of the society that made us and the mere fact that
some of us have managed to break out of this degrading
factor to become exceptional is a sign that there is still hope
that we can all make it back to accepting the right values.
> Parents (rich or poor) should learn never to let their kids
off their watchful eyes physically, spiritually morally and
otherwise. Stand by them in discipline and prayers. Show
concern in their affairs. Don’t just be a father, be a Dad and
most importantly be your child’s BFF (BestFriendForever). It
is not enough to give your child money and whatever he/she
needs at all times. It is more about embarking on a life long
ethical journey of instilling the right values. Remember that
a child is a bundle of joy.
__Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


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