Does man need to eat much, have lots of clothing for fashion sake or need for much education? These questions are not just questions for questionnaire sake. They are borne out of a consistency there is and has been for man to satisfy his immediate wants more so, his needs in the near and far future.
I stand to accept any caution or correction if there's any but has there been any man who lived forever thanks to nutrition gotten from eating so much or is there any being (and I mean man) that has won a global fashionista prize of all time for simply being one who can pride his/herself with the enviable title of having all the clothing brands there are. Can anyone say that there's been one (and I mean man) who is endowed with the know how of everything and this immeasurable knowledge has brought to witness today's dawn?
I dare not answer my own questions for I'd be greeting my thoughts with prejudice by proffering only suitable answers that befit what my picture of man is and has been. But again, what if the answers to theses questions are naught but close ended? demanding only 'no' or 'yes' as replies. If we go by the later there would be no need for this rather long boring inscriptions borne out of the reasoning of my mind and the handiwork of the pen in my hands. Indeed history has not recorded anyone who has had an overdose of the three variables above and stood the test of time from the time history in itself became manifest.
Therefore, 'no' it is and this further unearth questions. Why do we work hard, exploit, toil, extort, steal and even resort to killing to stuck up what we need to kill hunger and thirst even when the duo's reincarnating tendencies are consistently reassuring? Why do we need so much clothes in our closets when these designs never seem to stop pouring in? Why do we die to seek and acquire knowledge when knowledge in its abstraction is infinite and none but God knows all?
Are we trying to live forever on earth, look beautifully well too for all time or play God by trying to grasp all the knowledge there is? The answer lies not in whether or not we'd try to open up answers for debate, try to play logic or act reasonable whilst we are yet wholesomely smoldering in imperfections. The answer is in man's need for comfort and security. The availability and accessibility of food, clothes and knowledge provides security and comfort yet we don't need too much. The need for them right from Adam till this moment has not made the world any better if not plunging it further into the suffocating depths of chaos.
Me thinks we don't need to accumulate and keep too much when we can share the little we have. Like love we can only grow when we share. Besides, how can you even love without sharing? How can we dream of bettering the world without loving? What makes you rich, wealthy or influential if you can't give or be a source of hope to those below you? Or is true wealth attained when you rise above everyone around you? If this is your definition, how better has the world become as a result?
It will suffice to say that answers to the forgoing questions don't matter. Why not show me love than tell me so?
Surely it will suffice to say that in real life we can only know enough to survive and most times compete. In real life clothes don't do more than covering our nakedness. In real life we are just living mobile manures waiting to fertilize the earth by feeding our way to our graves.

__ Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


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