

If I was you, I'd be me writing this to and for me. So please, Permit me to be you today my dear. FROM ME TO ME I love this self, Though I had no say in its making. Despite the pricks and tears, I'm glad for its Maker in its making. I'm told how beautiful this looks, But, don't I know better? Like knowledge, am called a treasured book. I'm a goal, they are getters! From my Dawning Dawn To my Sunny Sun, I've beamed radiance Even on undeserving scums. Pardon, my diction But Spare me a little 'me time' to Be a 'Proud Lass!' For It's my day from a far away day When I bobbed from mummy's onion. They say I cried So, On this day From this ray To its terminator, Allow me to upon my Downtimes be a tormentor! Hurrey! Let me torment Them with glee Let even death Agree That life looks good on me! For I am Ilekeruwa! Jeremiah Kadiri 28/07/019


My strength is in the fact that I know my weaknesses My weakness is in the fact that I’m strong Perhaps too strong. My heart, a fortress, forged from The broken pieces of my past And cemented by the tears of a mind that has fears. Pain? I feign  to  fear not. For even the strongest of my body parts Have bled blood. And so, to imagine what’s worse,   I dare not. This is my illness A strange normalcy of self-centeredness. Wrapped in numbing   numbness That is now branded with the term Self love. I’m on your screen, in luxury. My voice? so eloquent. My pictures on papery pages, My social appearances so frequent. But, You’ll never get to meet me Nor know my truth. For its all about what you see Not what it is. I am a Lie! _Jeremiah Kadiri       26/07/019

Need I Fight?

It did not occur to me until recently that I was poor I used to believe I was fine Until one morning my attention was drawn To a hole in my coat. That was when I realized How patiently the coat had endured me for nine and half years I was worried when I saw how frail my trouser was I knew it was more decent to have a hole In my coat than in my trouser So I smiled reassuringly. I inspected my shoes, they were clean But they worried me more than my clothes Earlier today I made a pair of new soles for them From a piece of cardboard I stole from my landlady I know the first wet day they see Would be the last I see of them. I closed my eyes to offer a short prayer And my stomach cringed from emptiness Momentarily I took stock of the last 72 hours of dry fasting Then I began to wonder why I was not angry at myself Why have I been so quiet and unashamedly enduring I realized my oblivion all these years Was because I decided all was fine I angrily bit a finger forcing ...


Please In a world filled with troubles, Be my peace. When for too long I've been on my toes, Put me at ease. Kindle in me the urge to come home, Just so we can get wasted in each other's warmth. Let me know no cold, Be my fire, don't get me burnt. Pray for me not against me. Lie on me and not to me. Don't forsake me when I go insane. Be the cure to my craze and not the craze that drives me. Let not our love go blind For its vision is beyond 20/20 Keep in your heart's mind That I've chosen you for eternity. _Jeremiah Kadiri       16-05-019


I'm a poem. I'm versatile. I mean a lot differently, To a lot of different people. But I'm not tied to these meanings_ These different interpretations of me. I'm only answerable to the me That I know I am and can be. While Judge a book by its content Not by its cover, they say, What choice had the book In its own publishing? I ask. Maybe What you see is what you are, good, bad, sweet or bitter. I, like a book, am nothing until you either write me off or otherwise. I'm a poem About which you say what you know, From your knowledge of who you are. _Jeremiah Kadiri         07/05/019


You see this life? There's (in it) so much bitterness, hate, anger... So many feelings of disappointment, lacking, lagging... Dashed hopes, betrayals, frustration, aches... Despite these 👆 Do well to take a deep breath smile and hit the gym, see a movie, dance, read a chapter from a book_ any good book, learn something new, write something (a paragraph or more), go swimming, take yourself on a treat and come home with a gift for your very own self... Encourage yourself to keep pushing and Congratulate yourself for pushing so far. Don't let the pressures of today's work rob you off the little joy there is in life and living. _Jeremiah Kadiri   

Fatal Flaw

Social Media Influencer: to say that I'm proud of Little Success is an understatement. I cannot possibly measure the level of elation I feel to know that kids like these are out there. This is a call on all Nigerians to support her course and ensure that she gets the best education there is. For this, I will donate the sum of 20k to her. Please share this until it gets to her/her parents/relatives. She deserves all the help she can get... Blah blah blah... comments 1.5k.                            Likes 5.1k Meanwhile, your sister (who happens to be a single mother) has not been able to pay her son's tuition fees for some days and you've never asked why Junior hasn't been going to school. Perhaps you enjoy sending the poor child on errands as big Sis/big Bros. Your househelp does not have good clothes to wear but you've got a heap of clothes you'll never use again. Street kids litter the area looking malnourished...