Will History Be Fair To GOPS

This may appear as a slant or bias for or against your idol. But those who know me herein this ville are aware that I have zero tolerance for ills even when same is perpetuated by someone very close to me.

First of all let me make it clear that the 12 EDHA members elect that have refused to resume duties because of the fracas between GO and Comrade are undeserving of the pains voters went through under the sun, in the rain and more to pick them over others in the course of the electioneering process.
They have so far shown (in my thinking) that they are more concerned with politicking than the yearnings of Edolites.

While I am yet to see any visible life impacting project of the current government of Edo state in Edo North, it is pertinent to mention here that GO has nothing tangible to show he has offered the Afenmai people.
However, Comrade has no moral justification whatsoever to create a divide between his hitherto today's imposed goons and his acclaimed self-righteousness. 
You can not coat poison in a dairy product and tell me I just drank poison after you forced me to ingest same and still expect me to sympathise with you in your gory days.

For GO and our very own PS, is it about showing that you really are in charge through swift blockages of areas where your opponents could shine or by actually giving Edo youths the two hundred thousand (200,000) jobs you promised?

What's up with the MoUs?
Between you and the police who is in a better position to accertain and evaluate how secured the state is?
Where the people of Edo state officially told that functions involving mammoth crowds will not be allowed to hold in the state as a result of security challenges before the perceived threat of a rally that could make you unpopular was scheduled for 13th of December?

What peculiar security issues are on in Edo state at the moment that aren't anywhere else in the world to now result in the banning of a political rally where you could have provided security via the instrumentality of the Police as the CSO of Edo state?
You and those you're battling have shown gross misplacement of priorities in your dealings as leaders and statespersons. This is a clear case of both drummers and dancers basking in a euphoria of negativity.

As a naked man who sees truth as the answer, I am asking, will history be fair to you?

To be continued...

_Jeremiah Enaholo A. Kadiri


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