I'll not bore you with the numerous denotative meanings of the main variable at the title of this post. No. The term madness is better expressed connotatively and in context.

The thing with most of us is that when Islam is mentioned and or a Muslim is involved in an act, it seem almost as if someone reaches for our heads and instantaneously replaces our grey matter with ice creams.

We begin to bask in the emptiness of a brainless skull while priding ourselves with the unintelligent  conclusion that these up-to-no-good Muslims are at it again. Our null self acclaimed sagacity is heightened in the shallow depths of blind stupidity and utter ignorance. Fueled by the unwillingness to even listen or read along the lines with an open mind.

Vitriolic vilifications take the media from everywhere as we begin to see sense in the reason why Muslims/Islam must be hated_ 'their own too much seff!', 'fanatical fundamentalists' and the funny rhetoric is justified by a 'what do you expect when their Allah permits them to kill at will and do a host of other ungodly acts' question.

You wonder how we throw reason to the wind and grow mad when a Muslim does something seemingly odd to us? You wonder why there's this rush of blood that drives us to want to hurl unprintable tags at these fellows in times as the current #firdaus saga? You wonder why you just can't help but hate these people when one of their 'oversabis' feels the need to defy what we see as sane rules?

Wonder no more. I tell you this, that Islamophobia is driving us crazy. We are no better than mad persons in the psychiatric yelling and wailing 'lemme go!  I'm saner than you!'

___Jeremiah Kadiri ACICRM


Iyamu Abirmwense said…
The negative definition towards an act or perception is in high rate of human existence, which has cause various humiliation to victims of religion, education, family and self. But in all AREN'T WE SIMPLY MAD?

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