No electricity, no petrol, no good roads, no conducive environment, no good welfare system, no regard for the masses, no payment of salaries/pension in/on time, no respect for the electorates.

Meanwhile, there's massive looting, embezzling, corrupt practices, killing of the economy/recession, heightened inflation, massive retrenchment, unemployment cum other numerous maladies borne out of maladministration and these have pushed a lot of people into crimes like kidnapping, trafficking of humans, assassination, armed robbery and the likes. The aforementioned have contributed in no small measure to practices that bring about depression/mental illnesses, divorce (from inability to cope with bills and other miscellaneous), heightened spread of STIs/STDs (from prostitution_ as our young girls take to the profession to make ends meet), proliferation of illegal drugs as well as the abuse inherent therein.

The list is inexhaustible with adverse effects.

What's new?

Amnesty International has come up with a movement against 'Death Penalty' punishment as it is deemed inhuman and an infringement on the Right to Life.

Go back and read this post from the top and tell me if those who have contributed immensely to the drastic nosedive of our once Noble Nation's economy from its once-upon-a-time glorious bloom to this present gory doom deserve to draw breath.
Tell me if those who looted funds meant for tackling of insurgency in the North-East deserve to live.
Tell me if those who have continued to embezzle monies meant for the repairs of roads that have continued to claim precious lives and properties deserve to live.
Tell me if those who have brought our economy to its knees and have caused us untold pains through retrenchments and unemployment deserve to see another day.
Tell me if those who open their eyes and watch how those under their care are massacred whilst they do nothing (if not enjoy the scene) deserve to live.
Tell me if those who have pushed our youths into slavery in other parts of the world deserve to live.
Tell me if those who care less for the development, security of the girl child deserve to live.

Do they?
I leave you to your thoughts.

___Jeremiah Kadiri ACICRM



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