

He had rules and knew his way    careful coz he had fears He always knew how to ply life's waves    guards his heart when love nears Strong and tall he felt bold    greedy_ he took and never shares His smile was warm but felt cold    needing those nightstand like cheers But then she came and gave what he wanted    for his heart to smile and cheeks glee His bed was hers to share for as long as he wanted    the pleasure was right_ even I agree Somehow he forgot fears that had stayed his mind    it must have been love but she called it lust Couldn't see with his eyes coz his heart had gone blind    too late his precious pebble fell on sands_ lost _Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


  Sometimes we just lay and as much as we try to find favor in sleep’s sight, she not only eludes us but cause us to roll from one side of the bed to the other. Don’t know what part turns her on most before she finally gives in but for me, I just try to drift into sweet thoughts of days before. Tonight is no exception but however, she (I mean sleep) tends not to be horny no matter how pleasing my techniques seem to have improved. Whilst I dance to the music from my cover clothe and the not so appealing songs of crickets and nocturnal birds from outside my window here in Ezeagu, for no just course I begin to wonder why the hell she has decided to remain dry. As if the fact that sleep_ the wife with whom I must sleep every night has decided to estrange me is not enough, the incessant sounds gushing forth crickets like vomiting clouds on a rainy day suddenly becomes a cause of concern. Putting my ears to unrest as I restlessly try to fathom why in the pit of hell’s horned beast I ca...

FORGIVE: take me for me

You in church and yet you've got grudge I won't be the judge But if you in church and yet you've got grudge I want to know 'what for?' Keeping your enemies at arm's length Whilst you starve at lent And the prayers you think to God you sent To devil am sure the went Are you the devil_ why are you devilish? I know you can't be God_ be Godly Always forgive but never be fiendish Pray for your enemies_ be friendly Let it go_ take me for me I may be a cynic or mean Open your heart not just your eyes to see Am a ladder to climb_ a shoulder to lean __Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


Man oh man! How best can I describe? Forgive me for am an embodiment of that which I dare describe. A being that I am and to which I've been affiliated and still is should enjoy a description worthy of nothing less than bias. However, I beg to differ and to dismay the feeling of prejudice anyone may hold towards my judgment of man thus, I've decided to discuss man as he unleashes both his abilities and their flip sides like am some sort of time's camera; a screen through which we shall be getting to see ourselves or our kind. Man is an embodiment of all things beautiful as this is manifest in the feeling you get when you are privileged to visit places like Paris; imagine that beauty and serenity juxtaposed and controlled by man. In fact it was correct to say "see Paris and die." Yeah! What else could have been more beautiful than the ornamental extravaganza with which man beautified his terrain? Well, some may say the scriptural description of Heaven stands the ...


Does man need to eat much, have lots of clothing for fashion sake or need for much education? These questions are not just questions for questionnaire sake. They are borne out of a consistency there is and has been for man to satisfy his immediate wants more so, his needs in the near and far future. I stand to accept any caution or correction if there's any but has there been any man who lived forever thanks to nutrition gotten from eating so much or is there any being (and I mean man) that has won a global fashionista prize of all time for simply being one who can pride his/herself with the enviable title of having all the clothing brands there are. Can anyone say that there's been one (and I mean man) who is endowed with the know how of everything and this immeasurable knowledge has brought to witness today's dawn? I dare not answer my own questions for I'd be greeting my thoughts with prejudice by proffering only suitable answers that befit what my picture of man i...

Dear Lord_ AMEN

Dear Lord I humbly beseech Thee Cleanse my heart from envy and awaken my conscience Teach me to mind my speech And open my heart to the sight of hell's torment Firm my feet despite my weakness And cause me to believe though I may break Remind me often that I'll be well after this sickness For in you I lay and unto you I awake Teach me the importance of patience That I may endure these current pains Accept my confessions as I repent For only your forgiveness removes our stains __Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


It seemingly seem logical that when there's too much water in the system of a living organism, it tends to emit fluids often (sometimes to maintain a balance). Pardon, this is not me trying to bring you one of those biological teachings whose reputation for boredom never cease to awe those of us who have chosen to toe the path of pure arts. It is often said that water is the source of life and this assertion, I bet, has always made air jealous; how can water be the sustenance of life when without air man, animals, plants to mention but a few out of God's wonderfully knitted web of creation, cannot do without air? Without air, in my experience of life's dynamics, nothing that is would be. Am not trying to argue the well known reality that water holds life but, hey! Without air you won't be holding whatever medium you are currently reading my thoughts from and contemplating whether or not am sane. Yeah! "Why is jeyKAD confusing himself?" Forgive me, for I pitch ...