Morning Musings 1

It's been a journey.
A journey of about three decades with so much gains
And even so, much shed.

So many dark dirty corners
Litter the bends, curves and turns
Yet, I drew and still draws breath.
Strengthened by a weakness
The weakness of a fear that has made me strong.

What's this fear?
Sounds too simple right?
Yeah, you think so or maybe not_ but
You see, these simple or difficult things are the extreme opposite for others.

This is not to entertain you.
Far from it.
It's about some of y'all whose names I'd have written with a pencil
Just so I could erase and replace easily when the need be.


My mistake was to engrave y'all in places beyond my bottomless heart.
I saw in you, tunes my heart
Beats to
For then, you were like key notes to my music.

How now you blare the horns that drags attention to my rickety past for entertainment sake of onlookers,
How you empty my bags,
Rendering my cats homeless,
How my hidden bones you lay bare for glare
Is the direct opposite of Juno's love shots.

Normally I wouldn't do this
But for the sake of those whose hearts aren't as strong,
Whose oppressors got a tint of conscience that could beam a ray of hope,
I share these lines so
There could be redemption.

As for you,
Well this is no news because
I've since moved.
And I left the keys just so I'll never come back.

I'm light years away in a cosmic
World of adventure
Daring and exploring but
Since visiting my past is fun for you,
Enjoy your stay there!

Jeremiah Kadiri


Unknown said…
Wow, nice one
Unknown said…
Beauty of poetry is second to non love this man
Jessie said…
No words left to say...
You said it all 👏
Unknown said…
Keep growing blood
Akpata said…
Hmm! Mazi Kadiri, this one confusion me oo. I love the wordings as usual but I got confused @ a point. Anyways more wisdom bro.

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