Found this in my archive and thought it wise to share.

There's that guy who;

1. Tries to paint bad situations as being good
2. Tries to make you feel high/on top of the world when you are so down
3. Gives all he has when in fact he has very little or nothing
4. Invests his time in your academics, capacity building and future
5. Corrects your little mistakes without delay
6. Comes and say "am sorry" irrespective of who's wrong or right
7. Opens up like a book by letting you in on what he does
8. Though imperfect, reminds you daily of how much he needs you in his life and begs you to stay
9. Who has a valid plan for the future (wherein you are included)
10. Who runs to you when a storm is coming just to make sure you are safe_
11. Tells you the truth even when the truth will not favour him

That person is not an Angel, he has flaws and is liable to go wrong at any point.
See him as a blessing, try to reciprocate and don't be too quick at getting angry; you may just be angry for no just course. Listen, observe, learn from him and most importantly 'communicate always.'

Don't let talks/speculations from people, friends or your own suspicions and pride take him away because when such happens, the same friends or people will gossip and tell people how stupid you are to have pushed him away. Why not advice and or talk to him first?

It's your life not theirs. Be contented without distraction(s) and see the best in every situation.

It's a small world and life's too short to allow my sisters live misguidedly.

__Prince Jeremiah Kadiri


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