
If I was you, I'd be me writing this to and for me. So please, Permit me to be you today my dear. FROM ME TO ME I love this self, Though I had no say in its making. Despite the pricks and tears, I'm glad for its Maker in its making. I'm told how beautiful this looks, But, don't I know better? Like knowledge, am called a treasured book. I'm a goal, they are getters! From my Dawning Dawn To my Sunny Sun, I've beamed radiance Even on undeserving scums. Pardon, my diction But Spare me a little 'me time' to Be a 'Proud Lass!' For It's my day from a far away day When I bobbed from mummy's onion. They say I cried So, On this day From this ray To its terminator, Allow me to upon my Downtimes be a tormentor! Hurrey! Let me torment Them with glee Let even death Agree That life looks good on me! For I am Ilekeruwa! Jeremiah Kadiri 28/07/019