Need I Fight?

It did not occur to me until recently that I was poor I used to believe I was fine Until one morning my attention was drawn To a hole in my coat. That was when I realized How patiently the coat had endured me for nine and half years I was worried when I saw how frail my trouser was I knew it was more decent to have a hole In my coat than in my trouser So I smiled reassuringly. I inspected my shoes, they were clean But they worried me more than my clothes Earlier today I made a pair of new soles for them From a piece of cardboard I stole from my landlady I know the first wet day they see Would be the last I see of them. I closed my eyes to offer a short prayer And my stomach cringed from emptiness Momentarily I took stock of the last 72 hours of dry fasting Then I began to wonder why I was not angry at myself Why have I been so quiet and unashamedly enduring I realized my oblivion all these years Was because I decided all was fine I angrily bit a finger forcing ...