I'll try to not impress you with words not because I don't want to entertain you with same but because the message herein is to be ingested and ruminated over without some forms of distraction.

life has taught me something no one is taught in the forewalls of the academia. This is the simple fact that 'the very person, object, being, situation that tries to PULL you DOWN is usually below you.'

hold on a second to run your mind through the key words in the aforementioned. you'll realise that to 'pull down', one must be under/below that which is being pulled.

Not surprising too is the fact that no matter how highly placed in status, wealth and affluence the puller is, s/he is usually below what they try to pull down down (one way or the other).

Herein, lots of people (neighbours, friends, family members and so on) will have (justifiable) reasons to want to pull you down. Yes! the word 'justifiable' is justified in this context for the fact that they'd in their thinking would want to be better than you in many ways and so in many ways they set out to by all means achieve their goal(s).

How do you get to rise above and conquer?
How can you pull through their antiques?
How will you handle them?

Here's the catch.
you don't need to think about conquering any perceived or real puller.
you don't even have to think you are being pulled so much so that you begin to feel the need to pull through and most importantly, you don't owe nobody any handling!

Yea! this may not outrightly make sense to you but read the previous paragraph again (and again if necessary) and you'll begin to discern your mind on the fact that if you start trying to conquer them, have you not created an unnecessary distraction for yourself in life? Have you not occupied your heart with hate and digressed from your very own path?   If you start thinking you need to pull through the hate, then, have you not successfully accepted that you are (at the moment) not love worthy?  Now why waste your time handling one who is poised at pulling you down?
Now who is going to handle you, your needs, your dreams, etc?

Think about it!

You don't need to go through the stress. You don't want to end up regretting the time wasted at occupying your entirety with the thoughts of fighting your way through 'pullers' when you can set your very own goals, conquer your very own self, pull through with your aspirations to live a happy life (free from hate, envy and poverty), and handle your affairs in ways that God would be pleased and even death would love to see you live.

Hate is like an injury turned a sour sore. You don't want to bleed just because someone else is injured.

Those trying so hard to pull you down are not only below or under you, they are injured by the fact that they envy how you are soaring above and beyond their reach. The hatred in their hearts for you is a fowl smelling sore they try day and night to heal by taking you down.

Don't you ever let yourself self inflict such pain they live with just because you want to fight them. That single act puts you at per with them.

Let me leave you with this, the only being, person, you should conquer, pull through with and handle (with care, love and caution) is no other person but you. yes you.

Be Good to you and your 'pullers' will never succeed.


_Jeremiah Kadiri


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