So despite the ongoing unrest and restiveness that has become a synonym for the south-east, the proliferation of hate speeches that have become a norm on social media, the diversion of relief materials for IDPs and the subsequent protest by victims, the ongoing industrial action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities cum that of Resident doctors as well as the continuous killing of middle beltans by Fulani herdsmen, trinkets of boko-haram in parts of the Nort-east, the continuous deportation of Nigerians from UK and other countries, the attendant issues surrounding the health of our beloved president; the rats saga (gosh! I missed that part coz I wasn't online then), the recession (I hear we are out of it. Hmmm), the degenerating death traps we call federal roads,  the spate of unemployment, 419ning cum other decadence that have caused our nation to rot, someone on my list is sending me a candy Crush request!?

Wait first, this is not to say he is not a serious fellow. No. Far from it.
He has despite the aforementioned chosen to care less. Besides, "weyting concern agbero with overload". Abi?

My dear everything concern us. The truth is according to Dante Alighieri, "the hottest part of hell will be reserved for those who in times of crisis choose to be neutral."

However, before I make that stand or air my views on the ongoing crisis, it will suffice to say that candy crush is not a bad idea at all. Everybody know say I no sabi dance not to talk of #python own wey con dey reign now.
Oya ogbeni let's crush some candies.

Jeremiah Kadiri


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