The Familiar Change
I've seen man swear (hands on Holy Books) that by the Grace of God he'll lead men aright according to their (developmental) yearnings. I've seen men jubilate (carried away by the euphoria of the moment). So sure the Messiah has come. I've seen man vilify men for making sinister remarks about the aforementioned, saying, "he is not like your hero who plundered the treasury from boom to doom!" I've seen man hate, fight, destroy, kill for men who have sworn to protect all men. Yes! And yet fend for the man who kills to ensure their continuity in a stagnant change. I've seen change remain unchanged. I've seen the circle again and again as nothing really is changing for the man who stands under the sun (and in the rain) to empower another (via thumbs on papers). I've seen same man loss sources of livelihood to recession and retrenchment, loss loved ones to ill-health and insecurity, loss his dignity and senses. I've seen man je...