Man oh man! How best can I describe? Forgive me for am an embodiment of that which I dare describe. A being that I am and to which I've been affiliated and still is should enjoy a description worthy of nothing less than bias. However, I beg to differ and to dismay the feeling of prejudice anyone may hold towards my judgment of man thus, I've decided to discuss man as he unleashes both his abilities and their flip sides like am some sort of time's camera; a screen through which we shall be getting to see ourselves or our kind. Man is an embodiment of all things beautiful as this is manifest in the feeling you get when you are privileged to visit places like Paris; imagine that beauty and serenity juxtaposed and controlled by man. In fact it was correct to say "see Paris and die." Yeah! What else could have been more beautiful than the ornamental extravaganza with which man beautified his terrain? Well, some may say the scriptural description of Heaven stands the ...