
Showing posts from May, 2018


“How fortunate for our leaders that man does not think” I once read. This to me is not completely true. Our leaders are more than fortunate but man is constantly thinking_ fact! Man will keep the thought process on for as long as there is grey matter enclosed within his cranial walls. However, the quality of his thought processes differ in different parts of the world. While some prosper by thinking their way through to developmental advancements, many of us have resorted to think thinks would get better as long as we are praying in patience and so we take important issues lightly and even make jokes out of issues that are threats to national interest in the process . Let me state emphatically that in the course of this discourse you may have reasons to disagree with me but I will respect that you have a right to your opinions whether contrary or otherwise. I again hope that at the end we shall find a common ground to pitch tents. Once upon a time we were held spell bound...