
Showing posts from February, 2017


Is it the truth within our eyes, Or the lies that set us free? Is it the conscience that cages the heart, Or the haven of wrongs we'd rather be in? Why is the truth sour and hard to heed? Oh!  We just fall for the lies like a slippery hill. We thread behind the crescent and cross To be saved but far more we stray at our own loss. Some begin to feel the urge to play and act godly. From quiet they rise like winds  and become stormy. Though loved, trusted and worshipped, They live in our bad world and leave it worsened. Let me not bore you with familiar wordings, For the truth is obvious like fire and ashes. What does God want__what do we need? It's all in the scriotures_ to love_ read! ___PrinceJeremiah Kadiri


Fighting is heartaching and tiring. It breeds boredom and distance It puts the mind to too much work And scar hearts strong as steel. Yet I dare say and emphatically so, That to live and more so love Without a fight or two Is just as tiring, monotonic and boring. What's life without regrets? What's love without some bruises? How do we learn pain in endless hap? Isn't there wisdom in a wrinkled dimple? Love is pain, Life and to live is precarious. More so is a living without love, For no heartache equals a loveless life. Let the mind's eyes see the flaws, Let it judge and be bias. It is all it can and will always do Yet in the heart's dark and blindness _there's more than a billion reasons to love and live. ___Prince Jeremiah Kadiri